This site features Annette deFerrari's writing annette deferrari's upcoming book, (working title): You Don't Have To Throw It All Away links to Annette deFerrari's art sites about Annette deFerrari Annette deFerrari's contact info etcetera







A few more pieces from: Reflections on a Life, paintings and writings for my father:


Frosty and Rudolph, zen mastersFrosty & Rudolph,zen masters
An essay that rethinks a couple of Christmas tunes.
Published in IndyWeek.
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Sentimental beauty of a giftSeeds
My dad told me he’d be sending me a box with seeds in it. “It should be coming soon,” he said, and he sounded happy. Several days later, he called again, mildly alarmed . . .
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A typewriter became a vehicle for loveTulip Tree
When I was in my early thirties my parents took me camping. They drove all the way across Pennsylvania to where . . .
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Bottle Rockets. A story of how my dad played a trick on his friends. American Chestnut






Hat. A story of how my dad's hats connected me to himDashboard






Plate Glass Window. A story of how looking at birds with my dad as a kid continues to bring me happinessBluebird
